Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Blog Blank
Alright folks, Ramadan has almost officially ended, and has just brought along with it an unbelievably long weekend that lurks at me from the darkness. I have a natural tendency to work and though I think there are a couple of things I can manage to think straight and consistently about, I honestly doubt that…
Ok….got tagged by Dysfunctional and incidentally, this is exactly the tag that I referred to in this post! so yaaay!! thanks Dys!! (can i call u that btw??) Today height: 5\’10\” color: a shade of brown (wheatish?? whats that btw??) piercing: nil! tattoos: none Right Now Time: 1259 hrs (this post will be published at…
The past week has been crazy mad busy, as evident from my lazy and to the point posts. The week was busy, and good. Apologies to all my friends who I\’ve been talking to very frequently earlier on but have sort of not paid much attentio to them recently. Signs of the fact that I\’m…
Its a BEAUTIFUL day today! after so long for a great change! No blazing sun raining fire down on your head, roasting you inside out in two minutes. A pleasant breeze, slowly, softly, and cool calmness. The meetup went well yesterday, caught up on old times and industry news (ex industry for me). Incidentally when…
Long overdue….
Time for an extremely overdue blog post. Been very busy these days, and whats more, i leave office at 5 now, which means i get home by 5:40 or so, better part is that i manage to evade the mad traffic jams and by that time, the summer sun has somewhat smoothened out. The financial…
I hope this shows up sane and works fine. This post is a result of a new tool I just added to my Firefox. Its called Performancing. Its supposed to be a note taker in certain forms in addtion to being a full fleged blog editor. I generally dont have issues posting to my blog,…
Dont blame me if you\’re dead!!!
The slightly less dense traffic on the PAF Faisal – Karsaz Intersection strip of Shahrah e faisal was a relief this morning, considering i left slightly earlier than usual. Little did I know the relief was short lived, along with what could have possibly also been some idiots life. Driving at over 80k in the…
The return….
Ladies and Gentlemen… She is back….all she needs now is a new set of shoes….and thats a tough choice….no wonder women take so long to shop for shoes! 😀
Blank blank blank….
Time for a post long due… Ive been busy, not very, but fairly, mainly ramadan has taken a great deal of time-shuffling. Its normal, happens every year and by the time we get used to the shifts, ramadan is often over half way through…then you spend another week or two getting back to schedule! It…
What else is there…
It was me on that road But you couldn\’t see me Too many lights on, but nowhere near hereIt was me on that road Still you couldn\’t see me And then flashlights and explosions Roads and getting nearer We cover distance but not together I am the storm and I am the wonder And the…
Got any book recommendations?