Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Out and About…
Been busy, very busy……also supremely ticked off at the blogspot issues. Frankly speaking I\’ve had it. First blogspot.com goes, then blogget beta dramas, then inblogs/pkblogs comment issues. What the hell is wrong?? I also faced a 2 week wordpress blackout. Chances are, you might very soon see me on a completely different blog with a…
Silent storms rage through the still air. Burning, slicing and ravaging silently through the once unusually narrow space between fact and fiction. The smell of slowly smouldering flesh mounts itself on the the stormy breeze, permeating through the valleys where beautiful dreams spin their magic upon innicent souls. The dreams cease, freeze in time, decaying…
Going around in circles, leads mostly to nothingness. Only sometimes, when you are too, you pick up fine lined details that you could have missed out before, giving you and edge over so many others. Revolving, in a dervish-esque trance, about the same sacred stone, each time, a new wave of trance, each step, closer…
I have no idea what to blog about. Quite a few things come and go before one has time to actually sit and focus on anything in its entirety. In short, things have been busy. After a long long period of being good aquaintences, I met N recently, and we take the opportunity to yak…
Until fairly recently, I believed that there are two types of people in this world. One, that takes challenges as they come in their stride, occasionally resolving issues as they come, but generally trying to evade the creation of issues. The other, evaded issues all together and was always content with the monotony in their…
A topsy turvy past week, crazy ideas, crazy emotive states and even crazier discussions with people I am close to. Things have been pleasantly weird at the home front and work, well, that has been pretty much usual. I guess breakthrough of the week remains a standard feature MashaAllah in which we come to a…
Moving, silently…
Living, breathing, always moving. Moments in life, silent motion, from one end to the other. From there, further deeper into what lays in wait. Mountains, valleys, rivers and barren scapes of the real and the temporal. We keep moving. It is the ever lasting journey that keeps survival possible. We seldom travel alone. Even when…
The Chronicles of Boredom – Part 2
One thing I forgot to mention in the last post, was the fact that I watched the second half of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy on Tuesday, October 24 before I hit the sack, that too cursing the cable guy for ramdomly shifting the location of the channel midway. I almost pulled out my…
The Chronicles of Boredom – Part 1
This is the first in the series of two (maye three) posts, unless of course something really elaborate comes up that jumps on my head to be blogged. This post and others like these are the result of extreme boredom that has arisen due to the a sudden gap in all activity thats keeps my…
Places, people and timings
When you add them all together, most often you might end up with what you may call an occasion. Some casual, faded from memory within a week or two at most, some hang on, and some shape the very lives that we lead today. Though not every occasion may be as course-of-life changing, but several…
Got any book recommendations?