Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Customer Service…

    I have successfully ditched…and subsequently un-ditched my blog once again. A lot has been going on, most of its unbloggable. A certain incident i\’d like to narrate here that took place yesterday….actually earlier, but was handled yesterday.In December 2006, I cancelled a couple of credit cards that were pretty much redundant, and in the process,…

  • Who are we?

    Who we are is a very interesting question. It is a chain of thought that started off with a discussion in a car after heading out of a coffee joint at Zamzama. My colleague and I were taking the back route out of the coffee shop since the entrance to the lane was blocked by…

  • Manipulative or Opportunistic?

    Let me elaborate with an example. Someone comes and offers you a cellphone you wanted to buy earlier, but was not available. You already have a cellphone though, and its suits your needs fairly well. What you dont know, is that your cell, will konk out on a certain date and time. You will not…

  • Time goes by…

    I have been insanely busy recently, and may even be facing the wrath of my blog for deserting it. Sadness. Anyhue, the past week has been a tumultuous one, not only in relation to work, but I guess I also had to bear with a significant amount of emotional stress. Things happen, things change, emotions…

  • Back!

    I am finally back, hopefully to stay for a while. Just to let you guys know, I was irritatied out of my mind by some bloody spam comments that kept arriving. I used to get almost 20-30 spam comments a day, until I tried Akismet yesterday, and its been peaceful since….God that sounds so much…

  • What??

    As busy-ness keep bugging me senseless, I feel the need to get back into my old semi organized state. Currently im disorganized, and being organized completely is something so bland its no fun at all! So here I am, at office, thinking what to do next as I type this and munch on some peanut…

  • Drama on the run…

    Since yesterday, my ISP, WorldCall has been doing nothing but giving me hell. For no apparent reason. I can\’t download my emails in peace, can hardly send anything. My dial up at home is more reliable! Its slow, but reliable! not like the 15kb email that stops downloading when its only 10kb through. I can…

  • End of Faraghat!

    A short stint at faraghat ticked me off immensely. I only lasted a measly 3 hours…..after which I was eating irritating people like crazy, and decided to go home before someone nuked me off the planet. I have to take over this planet you see, can\’t afford to get nuked off it! Back to work…

  • Farigh

    THAT was a quick change…..from having a very crazy week all through, most of today comes across as really really farigh…for some reason. And there is nothing I really really feel like doing.. At the moment, im just…wasting time!🙂

  • Thought I\’d drop in a note…

    Hey people, just been real real real crazy busy over the past (quite a) few days. A couple of new assignments and projects at hand, seems like im busy, the way I used to be. Enjoy the weather, stay safe, and don\’t have too much fun!

Got any book recommendations?