Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Good byes…
As soon as I landed at my office today, i jusp started on a long over due mission. Cleaning up my desk. I ended the misery of looking through zillions of pounds of paper, books and magazines. Thankfully, I feel i now have more space on my desk and I bet for certain that my…
Weird Days….
Some days are just that, strange. Friday,April 15 2006 was one of them. It started about 3 days ago on tuesday when a couple of associates asked me to take a trip to Lahore to meet two other associates. We scheduled the trip for April 14, Friday. When i got home after the meeting, my…
On working…
Why do things become weirdly odd at times…if there is such a word to start of with! Why i say weirdly odd, might sound extremely boring. You wake up, you drop your siblings to their respective institutions and you get to work. Thats it. Things at work these days are odd….there is a strange isolation…
Here comes the mother of all F-ups….
On the basis of some \”information\” the IT dept has blocked my internet today. What information, is something the Systems Manager cares not to explain. Whats weird is that during the day when i made my previous posts, i mentioned that my Gmail chats are under the radar. I found out because the IT dept.…
Sail Away
My mood right now….. Once upon a time we had a lot to fight for We had a dream, we had a plan Sparkles in the air spread a lot of envy Didnt have to care once upon a timeRemember when I swore That love was never ending That you and I would never die…
sadness or madness?
Here i was today at work enjoying a nice long friendly chat with a friend, Tania. Interestingly, I broke all my googletalk chat records. My longest conversation was about 45 lines or so. Today, I hit 850 lines with Tania. It was good fun….and i just discovered im not the only crazy nut in this…
Random Deconstruction
Deep within, under my skin, lies a fire. Burning slowly, deeply, softly, smoothly. A sweet pain that I treasure and call my own. I guard it secretly, calmly, closely. Bittersweet. Break this bittersweet spell on me. I am lost in the throes of destiny. Destiny, I believe in creating my own. Fate, no doubt, has…
Shattered Glass
Shattered Glass Originally uploaded by inspirex. What you see above is the state I found my car in when I left the office yesterday. Interestingly enough, none of the guards at The Forum saw anything happen, no one heard any sounds and the last time I checked, I had no enemies. If at all anything…
Its been a while…
Ok. So here I am, back to my old blogging board. Ill take advantage to scribble soem stuff that been on my head for the past few days, and considering the attendance at my workplace is thin (in the 60% range), ill just take advantage of the time i have at my hand. First up,…
My Immortal…
I\’m so tired of being here, Suppressed by all my childish fears. And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave. Because your presence still lingers here, And it wont leave me alone… These wounds won\’t seem to heal, This pain is just too real. There\’s just too much that time…
Got any book recommendations?