Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Randomness….

    Ok, so my blog is titled Random Silence….so what? Does that in anyway solicit or announce the fact that I am looking for randomness?? For the past one week, I have been hounded by random people adding me on orkut. It so ticks me off!!! I only add people I know, like I did yeterday..…

  • Sailing…

    Nothing to blog about these days. Work is smooth, life is peaceful, for a change I actually get home early and also manage to bug my family a bit more often. Work is good, everything steadily falling into place; and while having no boss has its own element of fun, the added responsibility is manifold.…

  • Realization

    While having a discussion with a friend last night, I realzed that my blog has been missing a post for quite a while. So here it is, an update to my life these days. Well, the new secret mission is coming along pretty smoothly MashaAllah. The right things happening at the right time and all.…

  • The end of a chapter…the start of another…

    Today seems a day like never before. Its happy, sad, melancholic, nostalgic…yet so little and so much more all in one. Its my last day at work today. A few minutes ago, I handed over all my official possessions and representative instruments to the HR dept. My drawer keys, my ID, health card, parking passes…

  • Other Rants…

    Im leaving this place on 24 May, Wednesday, and I guess ill take 2 days of rest, before the weekend lands in and then I join my new workplace. Im trying to kick start my photography too, primary targets being road objects that I prefer sharing on the Metblogs rather than my flickr. In a…

  • Another one bites the dust…

    Well, as obvious, someone else has decided to throw in the towel too. This time its a pretty senior person… Whats weird is that we are hearding news of another one in the pipeline…but lets see what whappens about that… Anyway, i spent most of my day cleaning out my outlook mailbox (there are several…

  • Changing Faces, Changing Places

    Time for a long over due blog post. I resigned from my job last tuesday, May 9, 2006. How could I forget. The day marks and end to an assiciation with ABAMCO that stretches over almost three years since July 1, 2003. There were no surprisesa at the higher management level, which is something im…

  • Dedicated to mum…

    For all those times you stood by me For all the truth that you made me see For all the joy you brought to my life For all the wrong that you made right For every dream you made come true For all the love i found in you I\’ll be forever thankful baby You\’re…

  • Missing Aijaz

    Have you ever heard that radio ad from Total when they talk about losing loved ones to road accidents? This is this particular one in which a guy talks about his fun loving friend, how he was always engrossed in studies and his friend used to tell him not to worry and enjoy life. Every…

  • Liberation at last….

    While we in Pakistan celebrated World Press Freedom Day with the (controlled) liberation of Blogspot from the shackles of neo-idiotic-beauraucratic idiosyncracies, we were left with another point to ponder. Will we ever have consistent power supplies that will allow us to blog in peace and read other suff in peace online?? Call me mad but…

Got any book recommendations?