Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Wet Tuesday

    Its a wonderful wet tuesday morning and its 9.04 am as I start typing this post away which will be emailed to my blog. Thats so much mor convenient than actually going to your blog, posting it and then publish testing it. This just takes away a lot of hassle. I\’m home today, considering what…

  • Mad week…

    It seems that sadly blogging has been reduced to a weekly activity only. More like my sat night hangouts :P. SAD maaayyynnnnn!!!! I shall have to fix this! The week went mostly busy, lots of time spent finding myself, amongst other things. The working week ended with a call from a \”saat samundar paar\” friend…

  • Testing 1..2…3

    Followed a link on Psyched\’s blog and landed myself the X-men quiz. Now just a clarification, Im not a cartoon charachters person, and especially not the DC comics type things. I only took this because the results on Psyched\’s blog looked good. For the record, I love snoopy and Garfield. I scored up as Jean…

  • Updates for a week….

    Finally, some time to blog!!! It has been a massively busy week, which ends with a day of slight sadness, considering summer fun will no longer be a part of my mornings. Don\’t get me wrong, the weather has\’nt improved, just that summer mornings won\’t be the same again. Taking over the world is in…

  • Broke Lunch…

    After ages of endless wandering, I finally managed to open a bank account. What pushed me for it was the fact that I was lethally broke and had to borrow cash from my younger bro to make the initial deposit. I had cash, or cash equivalents rather. Crossed cheques which I needed to put in…

  • Weedy Isloo…

    After a massively back to back meeting packed Monday, I had to shuttle off to Islamabad on Tuesday. The trip started off with waking up at 4.30 in the night and was an overall fun experience. The fun started at the airport when I was in the check in queue. A nice, seemingly happy aunty…

  • Respect the Tag…

    Was recently reminded about being tagged by Suga. So here goes nothing.. BEST: 1. Male friend: hmm…lemme see now…Saad Q, Ali G, Wasim L more still there yaar… 2. Female friend: I dont want to die young… 3. Vacation: dont quite remember when I actually had one! WORST: 1. Time of day: When mum asks…

  • Changing…

    There comes a moment, or a day in everyones life which instinctively strikes you as the moment which changed the path of the future. Today was one such day. May 19 was when it all started. I felt like a small unit, part of a larger machine, sliding off gently and smoothly and moving into…

  • Dreaming…

    Things have been comin along busy busy, so I might not have too much time to ponder over many things now. Its nice, easy, enterprisingly exciting and scary at the same time. Too much fluidity. 2 new adders, one doesnt have an existing profile. Seems he created one, added me and then deleted it :P.…

  • Imtiaz, you\’re Crazy Cool

    I took a Tickle Test yesterday, and heres what they have to say about me \”You taking the tried and true path? We doubt it. A wild child with lots of passion, you often prefer to leap without looking. This means you don\’t mind taking a chance or getting in a little trouble from time…

Got any book recommendations?