Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Thursday Tale…

    Here i go again, blogging from my cell, thanks to my dead phone line which has left a significant deal of my home in communication darkness. Phone has been dead since noon on wednesday, thanks to blind ploughing activity in one of the plains which damaged the cables. Come thursday, i left for office a…

  • 30 min indie movie review….

    For those wondering, the movie did not last 30 mins, but for me, it started and ended after a merciless crash within those 30 mins. The following post will answer a lot of queries regarding my disinterest in Indian flicks. The post is not meant to hurt anyone, and is purely an expression of my…

  • A long long weekend…..

    A long weekend started with a quickie….all saturday I was out of home getting on ething after the other done and then finally got home at about 11.30 or something. Good part is my home PC is now back to its functional self hence I shall now be able to load a lot more music…

  • Beauty Contest…..

    NO!!!! Not the one you guys are thinking….this one is purely in I-Banking terms. Projects are paraded before prospective investors, and the greediest one who has an appetite takes a jump at it and a stake. Its not on open biddings, Its like every prospective investir gets his/her private show 😉 The interest, ofcourse, is…

  • Stuck…..continued

    Alright…so lets kick this off where we left off. I was thinking weather I should be taking the risk of venturing onto the road or not. I actually did go down, but very frankly, came back up after being scared. Ive seen that road well enough and have also used it to a great deal…

  • Stuck!

    This post is titled so because its the position im in right now. Who thought id be blogging from my cell sitting in an Indulge cafe on my way home only cos i was stuck in 2 consecutive traffic jams. Its mad. I was driving from iic, pulled a u turn near the cm house…

  • Lunch rants!

    Im sittin at office right now….waiting for my GODDAMN lunch!!!! When the hell will it arrive? I can feel a washing machine turning around in my tummy!!! Pirates was good last night, had fun at the movie and in a way…I like this Jack Sparrow charachter. He has an interesting way with words and not…

  • Something happened. I just don\’t know what…

    It feels that something has happened. Today was one of the many days when I feel and try my hand at creating something, I have lost the ability to create. I fail to be able to describe a moment. I have lost vision. Once a man of perception, has lost all sense of all he…

  • Silent Raindrops…

    A silent raindrop on the window sill. A soft stirring harmony of the raindrops crashing to the ground around yoy. Each a universe on its own, each a dream, a life, a planet on its own. Millions fall by us every minute of this dawning day All gone, forever smashed to a million pieces together,…

  • Logical Twists

    Its surprsing when you connect with old school friends once in a a while to realize that everyone is so different from what they wanted to be. I personally was a science freak, and had visions of hard core on ground engineering assignments and planning. What I do now, still is engineering, in a way,…

Got any book recommendations?