Category: Moving Life

  • Exploring Windows Live Writer

    Now I didn\’t have anything else to blog about, despite the so so many things that have been going in and around my life, hence I am blogging about LiveWriter. I added this today and am trying to see what it feels like. Something tells me it is potentially a lot better than ScribeFire….maybe! I…

  • The end is the beginning is the end….

    I stand in the middle of the ocean. In the silence, feeling the water slowly, gently rubbing against my skin at my feet, between my toes. Slowly the level rises, I stand in submission, in silence, with my eyes closed. I can feel the calm in the air, the silence surrounding me, the water, just…

  • In waiting

    The wind blows lightly at her face, slightly, gently caressing her cheek, pushing her solitary tear, slightly to a detour. She looks on, into the breeze, over the cliff, over the horizon. As if searching, hunting, awaiting something; or someone, with great passion but knowing within her heart and mind, that the one will never…

  • Overdue

    I will credit this post to a discussion between another dormant blogger and myself, and when she spoke of reviving her blog, a sudden wave of distant memories whizzed past my eyes, much like the flashbacks in indian movies where kids get lost in a Kum ka mela for some reason and always have a…

  • Random!

    So maybe I am back. Have a lot going on lately, mainly all is work related and hush hush so no, no one gets to know anything, and no, I cant confess to be making nukes….not in this global scenario!!! Whats with people adding people up on facebook!!! There are so many people I have…

  • Back….Maybe?

    I am back, somewhat. Much much been going on! New job has taken the best of me and im mostly permanently tied up with one thing or another, or maybe I just use it as a reason for my blog laziness! I dont know what to write at the moment. (Not) much going on in…

  • Silence…

    Silence —— Light up the cigarette to kill time if there was some way to express it otherwise i would fed up on figting over crumbs and dust don\’t have to be this way a hollow trust if we could find some way to make it right we would, we would and then the silence…

  • All for specs….

    After a busy busy month, I finally ventured out and placed an order for a fresh pair of spectacles last Saturday. It seems however that my specs are evading me for some grand reason. They were due for delivery on Monday; and upon my arrival there, just as I was to collect and leave after…

  • Not quite in time!

    I just got off the phone with another person whom I had met in November regarding a job opportunity. I was, frankly speaking, in awe of the position of the person that had called me in to meet me, and the two directors of the institution were there too. Both fairly well known figures, one…

  • Hands

    It has always given me an immense sense of satisfaction and accomplishment when I have finished fixing something that has been non functional for some reason or built something. When nothing else is there, I look for opportunities to untie knots in ropes, strings and whatever that I would get my hands on, but the…