Wet Tuesday

Its a wonderful wet tuesday morning and its 9.04 am as I start typing this post away which will be emailed to my blog. Thats so much mor convenient than actually going to your blog, posting it and then publish testing it. This just takes away a lot of hassle.

I\’m home today, considering what I went through yesterday. I battleed the elements in my drive to reach home safe. even though I left the office at 1.30, It was the flood at Main Clifton Road between the Clifton Bridge and Teen Talwar hit people the worst. Several cars were seen stalled and I kept pushing mine through. Once on the bridge, it deserved a nice long petrol breather.

Roaring down Shaharah e Faisal, the water was still flooding most parts, especially the left lanes, hence all traffic was moving glued to the right and yes, it was seriously seriously moving. At 3, I realized I wont be able to make it home for lunch, hence I camped out at DD Tipu Sultan and had a nice little lunch and watched the traffic ease out. It did and I hit the road again, only to Mashallah easily sweep down to home in under 20 mins. Yaaaaaaaay!!!

Right now though, my back hurts. I\’ve always had this problem when I sleep too much, no matter where I sleep. Anything over 7 hours and I end up witha a killer pain that lasts upto 3 hours. More rain forecasted for today and tomorrow. Ill stay home today.

The new specs update, yes I found the balance ๐Ÿ™‚






6 responses to “Wet Tuesday”

  1. ~*~*Untamed Desires*~*~ Avatar

    lols congrats on the specs balance..been there n suffered it too ๐Ÿ˜€
    9-04 to 9-42 : takes much less when u publish from the blog ๐Ÿ˜›
    have a good day off n 2 more days of rain!khi seems to b drowning already :S plan more lunches while u wait for road conditions to fare better ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Jaded Avatar

    glad to see that my summation of karachi rains was so close to the mark… i told u cars float and u get floods!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    at least u got a better lunch than i did… i’m sure i still have some of the salad left over :p

  3. ParanoiD anony Avatar
    ParanoiD anony

    so next tiem be careful for what u wish for — err…correction…what u envy! ๐Ÿ˜›

    am ref to the rain btw…hasnt rained that bad here for my boss to declare a hol….hopefully soon!

  4. Inspirex... Avatar

    @untamed: welcome to my blog. Hope to see more of you here ๐Ÿ™‚ the time gap was between typin the post and hittin send!

    @jaded: my sympathies at the salad diet yaar. Hope you get to indulge more soon!

    @para: can i kill your boss please?

  5. suga Avatar

    uff so much rain…

    when its hot its hot..when it rains…it floods!

  6. mAn[S]o0r Avatar

    had a similar experience on tuesday… but i was coming baq from the other way….

    got struck near PSO building… and took about 2 hours to get to clifton dunkin, through submarine chowk! it was BAD!

    congrats on ur specs.. btw.. where do u get em made? i wanna get new ones