On the basis of some \”information\” the IT dept has blocked my internet today. What information, is something the Systems Manager cares not to explain. Whats weird is that during the day when i made my previous posts, i mentioned that my Gmail chats are under the radar. I found out because the IT dept. head was kind enough to let me know verbally. I paid heed to his warnings and ceased all communication through my Gmail channels. Any chat invitations that i recieved, were answered with a \”cant talk here, mail me or call\”.
I am p*ssed. Very p*ssed.
One of these days, im gonna take this whole *ucking department and hang it by its heels.
The IT Policy manual states that chatting is not allowed, which i accept. But playing games is also not allowed, isnt that a violation by IT? Isnt that abuse of network resources? I dont give a damn if they do it during office hours or outside it. They use MSN, i dont care what purpose, but they do. That is a violation. So what if ur sitting at the bloody control lines.
You\’ll be hearing a lot frickkin more…..keep your eyes and ears covered…..
7 responses to “Here comes the mother of all F-ups….”
Ooh that’s pretty unfair, and I cant login to Orkut Today.. I hope they have not added it to the Block List 🙁 ….
hahahaha… did I hear you rave about your gtalk/gmail when we met? 😀
Sorry to hear about such a strict policy. What does your company do ? Is it IT company ???
Hi all, thanks for your condolences.
My company is an investment management firm. But IT policies are strict here. Very strict.
Hi all, thanks for your condolences.
My company is an investment management firm. But IT policies are strict here. Very strict.
I feel for you Imtiaz but I am also banned at Khi metblog and how would you defend that. Did you protest against that ?? How could you expect for your rights when you cant voice for others’s rights. I would like to listen to your view about that, please stop by my blog and let me know. Thanks. Happy Blogging
dude, one simple solution (or at least a part of it). write a strong note of protest to ur boss, including the fact that if the it div starts behaving like the police (personally violating policies), u will eventually end up with more dissatisfied people. stop them first, then ask me, and i would be more than glad to respond. further, tell them that isolating marketing people could possibly reduce company’s own network of friends. after all this is one way of geting the best deals in town, although unintentional.