The light and dark of you.

Every moment in time inches towards a changing state, the state of day to night, from night to day. We are moving, constantly, between our own phases, from bright and early to the dark and gloomy. The darkness hides within itself, a subtle beauty of chaos. Chaos in silence, the noise and the madness within.

Incoherent thoughts, guided by solitude, lurking deep within the recesses of consciousness, pushing to take over. The darkness closes in on the sky, on our minds, erupting in flames unseen, forcing us to navigate safely. Either you navigate, or you submit to the chaos and let it engulf you, at your peril.

We are all human, and such is the price of being human. Constrained by the relationships around us, of friends, family, others we know and just random millions around us, we mostly prefer to navigate, silently killing the inner demons, building walls to constrain them. We try raising these walls every day.

There is a reason these things are meant to be in the darkness, the solitude, the silence, the explosion of our inner self. This is the dark of us, hidden behind walls of consciousness, keeping sanity at a safe distance. Separating clearly from the light that shines behind you, throughout life, projecting something that is only half, but seen as full.

You are anything but complete, without the light and dark of you.



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