Month: September 2004

  • I Dream….

    As I see myself at this very moment, I am running, in a long dark tunnel, the end of which is beyond my vision. It is only something I can hope and pray for. But the question is whether I should or not. I don\’t know what I am running from. Am I in refuge…

  • The Time has Come…

    Today I am but a grain of sand in this vast expanse of time. I feel desolate, destroyed, bit by bit, inch by inch, atom by atom. What seemed to be once a resilient force against the ravaging tides is now dust. I am smoke, the very truth of my existence laughs at me as…

  • Walking Along….

    Today as I walk, the earth beneath my bare feet slowly bites into my skin, with every step I take, I feel slightly consumed, consumed by the earth. The earth is my soul, I am part of it, consciously or not, I am always blending into it. Slowly and steadily, I transform into what I…

  • I Wonder…

    I wonder if I am who I am, or at least who I think I am. I wonder at what I am, at my self, is it the same as I perceive it from this vantage-point? It all looks good from this side of the eyes, but how would I define good to justify an…

  • One Night….

    Days have gone by, nights have faded away into the bright sunlight, faces have changed, people; well that is a different matter altogether. It is difficult to determine just how same each person really is. It takes a great volume of conviction to change, whether it is oneself, or those that one is attached to…

  • A Drop Of Fire….

    Today as I stared into the hills ahead, I could feel the dew in the air descending across the landscape. The faint fragrance of the moist earth in the air created a nostalgic feeling that took me to days that once were. A battle arose from within myself, my will on one side and instinct…